Please enjoy browsing the artwork and special projects that our Elementary students created.
Click on the photos to see the full size and check back often for updates.

First Grade: Apples

Second Grade: Tissue Paper Leaves

Third Grade - Extra! Extra! Potato News Articles

PES Kindness Ninjas - all grades

Second Grade: The Invisible Boy

Third Grade: Monster Multiplication

Kindergarten: Self Portraits

2nd Grade: All about EMUs

2020-21 School Year

3rd Graders: National Parks

Kindergarteners - Eric Carle inspired "Masterpieces"
This April, the Kindergarten classes are studying Eric Carle.  He does his work using collage. The kids used paper from pictures in magazines to make their "masterpieces".  They recently learned the word "masterpiece" so that is what we called their work.

Kindergarteners + 1st Graders: Earth Day Art

Kindergarteners - Butterfly Art & Lifecycle of Butterflies

1st Graders - Lifecycle of Butterflies Art & Writing

Kindergarteners - "Cat in the Hat" creations celebrating Dr. Suess Week

Kindergarteners - Hand Art Bald Eagles

First Grade - The Koala Who Could

4th + 5th Grades - Class Collaboration Artwork

Mrs. Wixom's 3rd Graders - Biographies

Kindergarteners - Mr. Sunshine